Our business partners have the confidence that job seekers are supported and assessed for their work readiness through a variety of CEI programs.
Resources to Drive Your Bussiness Forward
Employing individuals with disabilities can bring numerous benefits to any orgainzaiton. Such employees can increase productivity, reduce absenteeism, and foster customer loyalty.
Unique Skills and Perspectives
Employees with disabilities can bring distinct perspectives, creativity, and innovative ideas and can provide valuable contributions to any team.
Employer Benefits
We know that every company has unique needs and goals, which is why we work closely with employers to create customized strategies that fit their specific requirements. We offer a variety of services, including job coaching, disability awareness training, and workplace accommodations. Our goal is to help employers build a diverse and inclusive workforce, while providing disabled job seekers with the support they need to succeed.
Some of our business partners who employ CEI job seekers may be eligible for WOTC
Federal Tax Credit is available for employers who hire individuals from groups who have faced major barriers to employment, including people with physical and intellectual disabilities.
Find out more about WOTC (redirects to US Department of Labor website):